
TYPO3 trends based on the major version statistics from 04/2024 to 01/2025

The trends are based on the TYPO3 major versions statistics.

Total TYPO3 sites

New sites

Version updated

Stopped using TYPO3

Sites using SSL

Community supported

ELTS supported


Top 30 country usage change for 04/2024 to 01/2025

The graph shows the percentage change of TYPO3 sites for each country of the top 30 countries during the last 3 statistics. If a country shows 100% increasement, this indicates, that the country only appeared one time in the top 30.

TYPO3 Version usage over time

Note: Until june 2020 there was an error in the detection engine, which resulted in some TYPO3 websites which stopped using TYPO3 did not get removed from the database. Therefore, 51635 TYPO3 websites not using TYPO3 anymore have been removed in july 2020.