TYPO3 Major Version Statistics

Statistics for Jan. 5, 2019, 1:41 p.m.

The charts below show an overview of aggregated data for processed TYPO3 version checks. Data basis for the charts are 280920 analyzed TYPO3 websites (58938 unique IP Addresses).

TYPO3 versions analyzed

TYPO3 website that are specially secured and the major version could not be determined are marked as N/A.

Supported vs. unsupported versions

Supported versions are those, that are officially supported by the TYPO3 core team. Sites, where the TYPO3 version could not be determined are not included.

Top 15 TLDs


Top 15 Countries

The country is determined from an IP address database.

SSL vs. non-SSL

The chart contains checked URLs with HTTPS as schema and
TYPO3 websites, that automatically redirect to SSL.

Changes since last check

TYPO3 update target version

The target TYPO3 version for sites processed a TYPO3 update.