TYPO3 Major Version Statistics

Statistics for Oct. 5, 2020, 8:29 p.m.

The charts below show an overview of aggregated data for processed TYPO3 version checks. Data basis for the charts are 261368 analyzed TYPO3 websites (52474 unique IP Addresses).

The results are based on a re-scan of all known TYPO3 websites in the database and the scan of ~25 million domains (mainly European region).
The scan engine has been optimized to detect domain redirects (e.g. domain.de -> domain.com) of existing TYPO3 websites which resulted in the removal of 19.392 duplicate sites.

TYPO3 versions analyzed

TYPO3 website that are specially secured and the major version could not be determined are marked as N/A.

Supported vs. unsupported versions

Supported versions are those, that are officially supported by the TYPO3 core team. Sites, where the TYPO3 version could not be determined are not included.

SSL vs. non-SSL

The chart contains checked URLs with HTTPS as schema and TYPO3 websites, that automatically redirect to SSL.

SSL by TYPO3 version

TYPO3 Version usage for all sites that automatically redirect to SSL.

Security Headers usage

Usage of common security headers for all TYPO3 websites in the database.

Top 30 Countries

The country is determined from an IP address database.

Top 30 TLDs


Changes since last check

TYPO3 update target version

The target TYPO3 version for sites that performed a TYPO3 update.

New TYPO3 Sites by country

Leaving TYPO3 Sites by country

Which CMS known TYPO3 sites changed to

At which version did sites stop using TYPO3